It's the best time of the year. It's when everyone is happy, the smell of cookies and pine trees fills the air, and the nights are cold. There are Christmas decorations everywhere you turn and the malls are filled with Santas. It's one week until Christmas break and the countdown to Christmas to has started. My chocolate Christmas calendar is almost half way empty and the excitement is quickly filling me. All I can think about is Christmas morning and all the fun events leading up to it. The whole school break is filled with time spent with my family.
We go Christmas shopping, make cookies, and pick out a tree together. On Christmas eve we all go to Church and then to my grandparents house to open our first Christmas gift. Then my grandpa reads The Night Before Christmas to all of us. After finally making it back home we go to bed with butterflies in our stomachs.
The next morning I wake up to the joyful shouting of my little brother and before my eyes even open a big smile spreads across my face. It's Christmas morning! My family goes into the living room and starts opening present after present. After an hour of unwrapping, all the presents are gone.
The fun isn't over though, we play with our presents for a while and then go down to my cousins house were more presents are waiting. All of my family gathers at the house. We eat breakfast, open presents, and the kids give their dollar store gifts, that we had all gotten a few days ago together, to the adults.
After the morning ends we all go home. My cousins all come to my house so that we can show them our presents. We hang out all day in our pajamas until dinner time comes and we had out to my aunt and uncle's house. We eat, talk, and have a good time for hours. I feel sad that the day is coming to a close.
Night falls and the day is ending so my family(along with my cousin) go back to my house for the night. I start to feel like all the joy of this time of year is ending. For a few more hours we have fun playing games, talking, and watching our last Christmas movie for the year. As I start to fall asleep and the sadness falls over me I think about how we still have New Years!
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