B- When I was a kid I would always play with my Barbie Dolls. Every year for my birthday I would get another doll for my collection. My friends would come over and we would play with our little friends for hours. They were the coolest new thing, before video games and computers took over. I still keep my barbies to remind me of my childhood memories.
C- I play on a soccer team called the Canton Celtics. I am new to the team this year and it has been an amazing experience so far. I have made many new friends and have an amazing coach. I used to know some of the players and the coach when I was younger and reconnecting with them was like finding a long lost sibling. I hope to make the team again next year so that I can get to know the girls better and have more good times.
D- One thing about me that everyone knows is that I love dessert. I have had a huge sweet tooth for my whole life and it is uncontrollable! I will eat just about everything with sugar in it. My vision of heaven is a candy store.
E- Eddie Edgar is an ice arena that I have gone to since my brother started playing hockey for the Tim Bits. I go there every weekend for my brother and cousins hockey games. I have wanted to play h

F- The summers are hot and long, but I keep myself cool with fudgesicles. They are so creamy and chocolaty. They are the one treat that everyone in my family loves. I could never live without these wonderful snacks.
G- Google is the one thing I could never live without. I use that to find everything I need for school or outside school.
H- My friend Alexi plays soccer for a team called the Hawks. We have been friends for years and I go to all of her soccer games and support her with signs and banners.
I- For my soccer biggest soccer tournament I went to Indiana. It was a lot of fun and all of the team got to spend a lot of time with each other and the parents. We stayed at a hotel that is a ski resort in the winter and had fun running up and down the hills in our free time. I was a great experience for the team and we all became better friends by the end of the tournament.
J- A jumbo pack of gum is in one of my greatest memories. On day at the end of the school year my friends and I bought a jumbo pack of gum before school. We had a goal to eat it all by the end of the day. We chewed all day and had to switch pieces every minute. By the end of the day we had met our goal, but our jaws really hurt. It was a day none of us will ever forget.
K- Kelly Clarkson is my favorite singer. I have listened to her music ever since she won American Idol. She has great music and seems like a wonderful role model.
L- My last name is Licata. It is an Italian name and it will make me sad when I lose it. My last name is a big part of me. It shows where I came from and who I am.
M- My little brother's name is Michael. He is 12 years old and full of energy. He annoys me all the time but in the end his is still my brother and I love him.
N- Nathan, my cousin. He's just a year older than me, and we do everything together. Over the summer, we spent many weeks up north with our families; it was a lot of fun. Nowadays, with school and sports, I see him much less but we still have the best times together.
O- Oscar the Grouch, my least favorite child character. His negativity always makes me feel bad for him. Personally, I try to always find the good in all situations because pessimism takes you nowhere in life.
P- Pooh, my favorite childhood character. He is a very simple character, a very simple life, and though he is not very educated, he does the best with what he education he has, and is always trying to find answers to his questions. Pooh's personality is what a the young Einstein, Aristotle, and all great minds such as these would be similar to, I imagine.
Q- Quarters, every time I find one in my pocket, I have a mental shout for joy in my head. Though a single quarter cannot buy you much, when you team them up with other quarters, you are capable to buy virtually anything. This is why I collect quarters, one day I hope they will buy me a Ferrari!!
R- Rollercoaster's, I have never ridden one. I have a really weak stomach and I'm scared I might lose my cookies. All my friends tell me they're really fun so I hope that one day I will get a stronger stomach and be able to ride the Dragster.
S- Songs, they help me get through everything. Whether it's just doing my homework or getting through a harsh breakup, music and songs make every situation a little easier to do.
T- Trampolines, one of the most exhilarating things I can do at home. I love how you can jump so much higher than you ever imagined you could on the ground. I could never do a back flip on the grass, but the moment I step onto the black mesh trampoline, I am a stunt man, I can do anything.
U- Upside-down, when I was little, I would lean really far back on the swing so I could look at the playground upside-down. Upside-down views always intrigue me, you notice things you would never have noticed right-side-up.
V- Vacuums, my least favorite noise. The moment the vacuum turns on, I have to retreat to my basement, where the noise is just a light sound in the back of my head. Though I hate the sound, I love vacuuming, so sometimes I just use earplugs when I vacuum my room.
W- Water bottles, I love them. I always carry one in my purse. They keep me hydrated and focused throughout the day. The moment the water trickles down my throated, I am immediately quenched.
X- Xerox copies, every day we get 5 or 6 copies of worksheets and homework in school. Personally I prefer copies better than bookwork because then you don't have to take home a book and there's less weight on your back.
Y- Yodeling, one time I was watching my favorite movie, the Grinch, and there was a Who who was yodeling. I remember I was so hyper that when I saw it for the first time, I squirt orange pop out of my nose!!
Z- Zebra, my favorite animal. They are just so vivid and it's amazing to look at. Each on is different and similar at the same time, like humans. We are all human-looking, but then when you look around, not one person is the same as anyone else.
Thanks for reading! Comment pleasee!! (:
Hey Julia, I like your blog, It really tells a lot about who you are! (:
ReplyDeleteJulia, your ideas for each letter are very creative! This is also very well written.